Thursday, March 12, 2009

What the ....why won't you dial?

How many times a day do you dial the phone, only to have to hang up and re-dial with the area code? I really, really wish Utah would have just assigned a new area code and split the state geographically...but what's a girl to do? I guess just hang up and dial again, and hope that one day I can get through an entire day without having to do this. Grrrr!


Suzy said...


Riddle Girl said...

I read this earlier today and had to come back and comment after I just cursed at my phone when I tried to call my mom and had to re-dail! Dumb area codes! :)

Ashley said...

I am with you its so annoying

Crystal Hadlock said...

for some strange reason my cell phone doesn't make me dial the area code weird or an answer to my prayers?

Omgirl said...

This has been driving me CRAZY!!!!

Then yesterday, for the first time, I found myself dialing 1-801 while I was thinking of the number I needed. So maybe it has finally become automatic! (but I still agree--what a pain. They should have just split it geographically).