For those of you who don't know, we weren't "supposed" to be able to have kids. We have been married almost 4 years, with no luck, and then all of a sudden, uh, HELLO...missed period, 2 negative pregnancy tests, 3 positive pregnancy tests, one ultra sound showing NOTHING, one ultrasound showing something, and two blood tests indicating that my blood levels are doubling, oh, and lots of nausea and sore ta tas. So, here I am, still in shock myself...and completely knocked up. :) We are so excited, not out of the woods yet, but praying that everything will be ok with the baby and that it can continue to grow and be healthy. I have a Dr's appointment on Monday and will keep everyone updated on what happens. We were told we should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat at that appointment. I am about 2 - 2 1/2 months along. They aren't quite sure. Anyway, that's for all of the well-wishes. We are excited to share this exciting time in our lives with all of our friends and loved ones. And I'm super excited about becoming EXTRA EXTRA Large. All I can say is...after this baby is born, it's HCG shots and some hard core workouts. It's funny, because I was just starting to lose weight...ok, that's not that funny. I've actually cried a couple of times about it.