Thursday, January 15, 2009

Garbage Day!

We have lived in our house for almost three years. Garbage day is and always has been on Thursdays, with the exception of the holiday days when it pushes the garbage day to Friday...but this is rare. So...when I'm sitting on the couch this morning and I hear the garbage truck coming...I run to the door, throw off my socks that I'm wearing with leggings, throw on some shoes and run out the street with my garbage can in tow. The garbage man, bless his heart, is on the other side of the street actually dumping garbage cans that people have left at the top of their driveway, forgetting to put them out on the street...I couldn't believe it...he actually took the time to walk up to their garage, grab the can and dump them. So, I'm standing across the street, shouting above the sound of the truck..."Have you already dumped our side of the street." No response, he hasn't heard me. I wait until he's on the other side of the truck, again I SHOUT, "Have you already dumped our side of the street?" He says no...hurray, I haven't missed garbage day. But, I realize that I have exited the house with no bra...and the cold weather has turned me to RT. Hands across my chest, I hurry back in the house, boobs jiggling a bit. I'm sorry garbage man...I am totally inappropriate and realize I now look like a frumpy housewife...but thank you for dumping my garbage. :)


Ross & Amanda Goodman- but mostly Amanda :) said...

This may be the best blog post of all time, friend!

The Scotts said...

That is so funny, I can picture you doing that. I did that once but got to embarrassed to get their attention so I ran back into the house. I sent you an email. check in your junk box, its from slotriscuit.

Laura =0) said...

Glad you caught the garbage man! I hate when we forget to put it out lol.

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

ROFLMBO!!! oh my gosh I love you!

Demi-Dos said...

Wow! We must nor have the same garbage man 'cause I went out and waited for him the other day because I had more than what would fit in the garbage can...i waited for him to dump it and then put the other items in the garbage can so he could dump it again and he drove off. oh well..there's always next week.

Omgirl said...

So did the completely change garbage day on you???

I can't tell you how many times I've head the garbage truck pass my house and then run my garbage across the street. TOO many!